Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Music music music

Dear Blogger.com

I'm aware I've neglected you in the past and for that I am truly sorry. It's not me it's you. I've been wooed by your attractive slimmer cousin, twitter. She doesn't let me talk as much but at least she's fast, effective, and all my friends like her. Whereas you only get on with a couple of my friends. She also lets me do stuff with her with my phone that you wouldn't dream of doing.
But now I see the error of my ways and I think we're ready to move forward with our relationship. I believe our relationship is strong enough that we could try new things, perhaps some three way action.

I know you'll understand as I've done a couple of mixtapes and written you a few tunes for you.


It's not a mix - Sep 09 by Ivan Varian

Ivan Varian-3 thrust wonder by Ivan Varian

Ivan Varian- Dark Chocolate and fennel tea-Aug 09 by Ivan Varian

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